My identity is in Christ, not in being a minister's wife, not in how I serve my church, not in the fact that I am a mom of boys. My worth and my self esteem comes from the fact that the Creator Lord knows me and has woven me into who I am and that is enough. Those truths are what the Lord has been driving home in my life during this time of pandemic. The pandemic made me unable to serve at church the way I usually do, I spent a lot more time in our home with our family and there was an underlying anxiousness about looming national health concerns which gave a way for sin and shortcoming to become very evident in my life. I found that I needed to make sure that my foundation was built on Christ alone or I would find myself on the sinking sand of circumstances. As the Lord has been continuing to cement that foundation in, I came across this book and knew I needed to read it.
This is my second compilation book of several authors and I have really enjoyed them. They are easy, concise reads. Identity Theft would make a great book for a small group study. There are thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter. I really enjoyed hearing of each author's perspectives on different pitfalls we are prone to fall into when it comes to giving up parts of our identity. I especially enjoyed Chapter 2, entitled "Reflection: Made in God's Image" by Hannah Anderson and Chapter 8, "Servant: Reaping a Reward" by Betsy Childs Howard. I felt yes and amens rising in me while I was reading these chapters. I love it when the Lord continues to wash your soul over with the same truths you are learning, we truly learn by repetition. In conclusion, this book will convict you in a good way and would make a great discussion book for a small group.
