An Ex-monk marrying an ex-nun could be the headliner for any newspaper. Loving Luther is a fictionalized account of two fascinating leaders who lived their lives to serve God and through that found each other.

Allison Pittman was nominated for a 2019 Christy award for her novel The Seamstress. Allison Pittman is a new author for me. A reviewer of The Seamstress mentioned that they loved Pittman's previous novel Loving Luther. In my fascination of historical fiction lately I decided to pick this book up first. Like the reviewer as a result of reading Loving Luther, I am really excited to read more of Allison Pittman's works.
Loving Luther was a book I could not put down. In the midst of my child's first week of remote learning, I finished this book in two days. Honestly in doing bare bones research on Katharina von Bora, I did not come up with much information. Therefore, I have no idea how which parts of the story are true and which are fictionalized but it nevertheless gives us some great insight to how things could have been for Luther and his wife.
Quick Glean: If you are unfamiliar with Martin Luther do a quick google search and find out more about him before reading this book. There is a lot more information on him and his writings are still published.
As I said I could not put this book down. I definitely recommend this book and I will be reading more of Pittman's other novels as a result.