This is third book I have read by Lauren Denton and I have increasingly enjoyed her novels. I could not put Glory Road down. Glory Road is a sweet story is told from the points of view of three generations of women. I think this book would make a great movie. If you need an easy and light my hearted read maybe something to take in vacation, then Glory Road is the book for you. Denton's books are published by Thomas Nelson which is a Christian publishing company. Although Denton's book are clean, the characters do not come across to me as overtly Christian. In Glory Road going to church is mentioned a few times. In Hurricane Season and The Hideaway the characters grapple with a theological issue or two based on life choices. However, I would love to see her integrate more of a character's spiritual development in the future.
Quick Glean: Lauren Denton changes the point of view of the story with each chapter. Make sure you pay attention to the heading of each chapter and read the character's name so you don't get lost on which character is speaking for each chapter.
